Monday 7 March 2011


My music video uses develops and challenges many different forms and conventions of real media products.
Firstly, we used different locations in our music video. This was done in order for our video to not be to seen as boring as that would be the case if it was done in one location. Therefore, after a lot of planning we decided to shoot our music video in various significant areas aswell as in the school. Outside school we managed to film around Buckingham Palace, St. James Park andThe Millenium bridge which was a gret experience as we got to film in the heart of londons most famous and influentional landmarks and locations.

The first major location outside school was St James Park. This is one of the scenes where the main girl had her dream about the main boy. We wanted to bring out the glamorous and ellegance that st james park has in our video which is why we chose this location. St James Park had gave us the chance to shoot alot of good scenes aswell as great angles involving a great estabilishig shot at the start of the "dream scene" at St James Park. which targets another convention of real media products and it had a lot of ellegance and a cliche background/story line which linked back to the sweet look we wanted to show in our music video.

Our second outside location was the millenium Bridge. Which was again a great experience here we had the dance scene of the girls singing the chorus. A lot of lip syncing was shown in this part of the video which I feel was done in a succesfully. This was a great choice for the music video as it showed the attractive image we wanted to portay with the attractive girls and attractive location. Here is two pictures of the locations:
Our last location that was used Outside school when we filmed around Buckingham Palace. We chose this location because we wanted to demonstrate our creativity and knowledge.
Firstly we filmed at Buckingham Palace as we believed that it was prestigious location that has a lot of significance to the country, since it’s where our Queen lives. Therefore thats one of the location where we wanted Khandi Floss to perform that last dance as it would follow the glamorous look as it’s also a glamorous location.

Furthermore, we also used lip syncing throughout the song and a lot of dancing. We had to make sure that all the lip syncing was in sync , otherwise it would of looked out of place which why we had to make sure that the final cut express editing was on point. The constant dance scenes and acting made the whole music video a lot of fun and very instresting to watch.

This music video was a challenge for us as we had to battle against the weather alot and with the cast of the video. People being Avalaible was hard at first but then we got it together in the end. When we first picked the song we had to listen out for the lyrics to think about ideas, Luckly for us the main girl that stared in the music video was part of the original KHANDI FLOSS group so we had an easier interpretation of how we wanted to do things in the video. Picking a storyline for the music video was not a problem because the title said it all CRUSH ON YOU", so we decided to take it Pop/RnB style as that was the genre of the song and keep the storyline solid and complete.

After Filming and editing our music video I came to realise that the storyline was stronger as we got to exercise in the video what was said in the song. The original song never had a video so we made our own video for the song showing the journey of the music video. E.g. from the main girl having a crush to the end where she finally gets the main boy. I believe there was a lot of transcations and different editing styles e.g. fades and disolves which fall into the special effect category which helped make the music video very insteresting to watch and memorable.

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