Friday 17 December 2010

Deadline Day !!!!!!!!

The deadline day has been confirmed by my media teacher. He is expecting the whole class to finish the first draft of my music video by the 17th December which is on Friday. Therefore me and my group have a week left to complete the editing as we have already completed the filming of the music video ,which in my opinion was a very successful process of filming. As result we are a head of schedule as 1 week will be enough for us to complete the editing of the video, it will be hard but we will get through it which will not take long. However we have to stay focus in order to complete the first draft of the project if we go off track then it will not be a successful project so we have to stay on point. To remind us of the deadline my teacher has been putting up posters demonstrating the information we need i.e. the date and what needs to be completed.This is shown the picture above which has been a constant reminder to make sure we give our first draft in time which is ready.

Thursday 16 December 2010


The editing is going not to bad today we managed to delete most of the clips we did not need as it is not possible to keep all for a 3 minute music video so sadly we had to delete some of the unwanted footage we did not need in the music Video there was a few bits that jumped a lot but we have now sorted it out. We edited the conversation between the school girls at the start of the music video making sure that all the dialogue was on point we have now uploaded a few more scenes and our currently in progress of editing.

Wednesday 15 December 2010

Concert Filming

Yesterday was a great day as we managed to film a very important scene in our Music Video which was the "CONCERT" this is where the girls "KHANDI FLOSS "are in concert dancing to the audience on stage performing the their song "CRUSH ON YOU". We managed to film the scene in three different angles from the front and both the left and right of the stage showing the different dance moves in views of the scene. We also managed to get a lot of Good Close - ups which allowed us to see some great lip syncing in the video. So overall the filming of the concert scene was a huge success we have managed to film most of scenes which are almost finished and now we tend to do the editing and get the whole project finished fingers crossed!!!!

Monday 13 December 2010



Friday 10 December 2010

The Cast

Our plan has been done and we know now how the video will operate. As a result we’ve also found the people that will be involved in the video and in the shooting of the video. There are about 8 people who will be involved majorly in the shooting and making of the video. With those 8 people I have managed to split them up into different departments and roles that they are going to having during the coursework.Here is the pictures and roles of the different people involved in the making of the “Crush on you video:

Meghan Producer and Joao Director

So on the left is Meghan the producer & Editer that edits the vidoes we produces. who actually Icame up with the whole idea of using a girl band. She also came up with the different locations as her idea was better then mine and Joas put together. Therefore we went along with her plan to improve and add more of our own ideas and experience. On the right is Joao andwho is the director therefore he is there to position and order the actors about as he takes control of the filming.

Khandi Floss (The Girls)

This picture shows the girls that are going to be used as the band memebers of Khandi Floss. On the left is Marie and she will be known as Harmony. In the middle is Michelle the bands leader and she is the original member of the band. She is known as Honey in the group. The last member is Maureen on the right she is also new to the group and she will be covering Pharai who is a original member of the group.

Jason Music Editor

I am the main man because I covers many aspects of the J2M Production. For example I do the MUSIC editing of our music video, which is probably one of the hardest and stressful thing of our coursework. Also I help deal with the music of our video, so in other words the technical stuff is done by him. However importantly one last and big duty that he is involved in with J2M Production is that he is apart of the video as the main guy that the band leader has a crush on.

Filming Cancelled

Filming our last part of the video has been cancelled due to the weather. It has been snowing for the past 3 days which has disrupted our filming as we were planning to film in front of our school. Our main two reasons to why we won’t film with the snow are that it can ruin the camera and it wouldn’t go with our shots as there wasn’t any snow in the video. Therefore we will be keeping a good eye on the weather as we want the snow to settle so that we can film and edit the video for the deadline of 17th December.This picture demonstrates how bad the weather is in our other location:

Researching Our Target Audience

In our research for our target audience we managed to find a way to advertise and get some feedback on the types of genres and music videos that people enjoy. We are looking to advertise our questionnaires on “Facebook”, “MSN” and in school. This because we believe that those places are where we are likely to find a range of different people. The questionnaires will allow us to gain knowledge on what type of genres people prefer and what they expect in music videos. The questionnaires will contain up to 8 or 10 questions giving the audience an option for their answer in each question. We are looking to publish the questionnnaires out tommorrow so that we have enough time to collect the data.Here is some pictures indicating the places we are advertising our questionnaires:


This is an image that we created in and it is basically giving me the vital, effective and most used words in the lyrics of the song “Crush on you”. I believe that using "Worlde" to demonstrate effectiveness as it’s a different techniques to show the lyrics and popular words used in the song. Therefore people are able to spot the key words used in the lyrics.

Friday 3 December 2010

Filming !!!

Today we managed to film and add more to our music video. Today we filmed the main girl's solo verse when she talks about seeing her crush on the way to school. We knocked in a few close ups as well as some mid shot which helped to establish the main girl's feelings about the main boy in her solo verse this was done very well and i am proud to say that i was so happy with the scene that i can call it one of my favourite scenes for the music video , that was all the filming we managed to get up today so we will keep you posted about future scenes we have not done when we film them

Thursday 2 December 2010

Treatment 3

Research into Artist(s)

To research into our artist we went onto their MySpace page (a social networking site). We were able to get a feel of the type of style they were into and different types of songs that they have made. Not only this, but we were able to see the kinds of people who enjoyed listening to their music which also gave us a good idea of who are target audience will be. We have also been able to talk to the members in the group and they have been able to give us a lot of commentary regarding the group and the sort of image that they had in mind when they first made the group and the sort of message they feel the video should communicate.

Research into potential Target audience

To research our target audience we will make a survey using survey, this survey will consist of 10 questions about music videos and what the participants like to see in them. The results we acquire from this will then be analysed then out into charts that illustrate them. In doing this we will be able to find our target audience.

Treatment 2

Outline Ideas

Scene 1
• Outside the school, girls are sitting outside talking. Guys walk past main girl gets distracted (watching main guy). [song starts] [girl walk up to the camera and them break into dance routine]
• Main guy walks toward the school, girl walks behind him singing (I see you on the way to school part)
• Main guy is going into his locker; girl tries to approach him but is interrupted by the boy’s friend. Girl is upset and walks away (is time I let you know part)

Scene 2
• Rapper (one of the friends of the girl) walks down the road to school while singing the rap (same place girls do the walk)
• In the dance studio, girls are rehearsing for their show main girl is not focused; they sit on the floor next to her to comfort her.

Scene 3
• In the classroom, main girl is seated behind main guy. She starts to day dream about him.
• Central park, we see the two main people hanging out (being very loved up and romantic)
• Go back to the school scene and we see the rapper in a classroom with the students as she does her rap.
• Go back to the central London part. We see the dance routine again.

Scene 4
• We see the other girl and see flashes of the guys.
• Go back to the stage scene again (slow motion)
• We see the girls turn and walk away, we see clips of everything that has already happened in the music video so far then back to the girls again

Scene 5
• The school bell rings and then the girls are walking out of school, main guy runs up to the main girl and asked her out
• She says yes and then her walks off. Girls look at each other then laugh
• Fade out then back in again. See the girl on her bed with the lyrics of the song, she turns around and smiles.

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Treatment - 1

Name of track: CRUSH ON YOU
Name of artist: KHANDI FLOSS
Name of students in group :Meghan Adjei, Jason Adorsu, Joao Rodrigues

Initial research and target audience
To research into music videos, we watched channel 4’s 100 greatest music videos to help get an idea of how other artists have made their videos. Watching this we realised that most of the videos are from the 1960s to now, this told us that due to the rapid growth of technology music videos have changed a vast amount. One of the most modern videos was listed was Outkast – hey ya, this video in particular made excellent use of new technology as it took the image of the leader singer and multiplied it in many different ways to create an entire band.

To find our target audience we are going to create a survey on a website called survey monkey and send it to our friends on social networking sites such as Facebook and MSN asking them to go onto the link we will provide and fill out the survey. This way we will be able to ask them questions that will enable us to find our target audience.