Wednesday 1 December 2010

Treatment - 1

Name of track: CRUSH ON YOU
Name of artist: KHANDI FLOSS
Name of students in group :Meghan Adjei, Jason Adorsu, Joao Rodrigues

Initial research and target audience
To research into music videos, we watched channel 4’s 100 greatest music videos to help get an idea of how other artists have made their videos. Watching this we realised that most of the videos are from the 1960s to now, this told us that due to the rapid growth of technology music videos have changed a vast amount. One of the most modern videos was listed was Outkast – hey ya, this video in particular made excellent use of new technology as it took the image of the leader singer and multiplied it in many different ways to create an entire band.

To find our target audience we are going to create a survey on a website called survey monkey and send it to our friends on social networking sites such as Facebook and MSN asking them to go onto the link we will provide and fill out the survey. This way we will be able to ask them questions that will enable us to find our target audience.

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