Tuesday 23 November 2010

CopyRight Rules

Throughout all of media, whether it be music, film or magazines, there are certain rules that need to be obeyed regarding ownership and copyright. Relative companies have been set up so as these rules are followed to prevent infringement. If this is the case then a fine will come in to action usually of a large sum of money which is not pleasant for the person being fined.
These rules regard to us as media students as much as they apply to large companies and record labels.
Which is why it is so important to have sorted out the music emailing the chosen artists so there is no confrontation which why we are told to ask unsigned artisits to feature their songs in our music videos but are not always succesfull my group suffers the prime example.
We cannot use music that is copyrighted or has media-ownership. This is why we have to find our own bands and search for music that has no copyright. Sights like unsigned.com, mobygratis.com and freeplaymusic.com allow us to do this.

These Websites all have great music of many genres that we can use for our final music videos.

Luckily for us, this didn't prove too challenging as there are plenty of amazing artists out there waiting for people like us to find and enjoy their music. This whole process protects us from copyright infringement and allows us to get on peacefully with what we do best, making music videos, and appealing to our chosen and targeted audiences incresing the love for music videos.

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