Tuesday 23 November 2010

Filming 2nd Scene

After filming the classroom scene we managed to film another scene which happens to the first scene of the entire video. This scene was reallu difficult to film because we had to race against time as it was getting dark because we wanted the viewer to spot that it was the morning time before the bell where all the kids are getting ready for school. The concept of this scene was for the main boy and his boys who are so popular as in everyboy in the school wants to be like them and everygirl wants to be with them was the image we wanted to portray. So the boys start working to the school with the swagger they have while the main girl and her girls are chilling at the school entrance. The girls have their own conversation but then they are interupted by boys when the maing girl stops talking as she has seen the main boy walking past. She then stops talking to her friends and freezes for a minute before her friends eventually wake her up. We made sure that we showed this significant bit in the scene emphasizing he CRUSH she has for the boy by doing a close up on the main girl's face when she freezes in amazement of seeing the boy she has a crush on. This scene holds a lot of importance as it is the start of our music video which catches the eyes of the viewers so the scene as a whole had a signicance in the whole entire music video!!!!

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