Friday 19 November 2010

Similar Video

We finally found out what music we are going to use as well as the genre we have chosen for our final music video, We was able to find a video that is similar to our video. Instead of choosing a celebrity are chosen video is from ex students of the school. Houda,Ardit & Eustacia achieved a great grade for this video which is why we are comparing it to our video which gives us ideas to make a successfully video

Background Info
They were last year’s group and their music was from the RnB genre. The song was called “Only You” from Keshia Angeline who was an unsigned artist on Their music video was at last at an A grade standard because of the editing, acting, ideas used and the setting of the video.

We believe that the video is similar to our idea because
• It has 3 different locations
• 1 location is the same as ours
• 2 main people in the video is the female and male

So firstly with the 3 different locations is great idea that we are looking to use because we believe that we are being more adventurous with our coursework. Therefore that allows us to create a good piece of coursework because it shows that we have taken our plans very serious and that we are creative with the music video.

Second idea we are looking to use is as going up London to film parts of our music video. This then shows that we are also using the same location as their video. We believe by using that particular location gives us certain advantage this is because the mise en scene is attractive and we will be able to find many different shots with the place. Therefore that gives us the chance to get awarded with more marks as we have learned our lesson from our previous coursework, since we kept our filming in one place.

Lastly we are looking to use the same idea of 2 main people with a male and female because the song is about love therefore it’s only between two people. However we have kept it the same because it’s the female sing to the male.

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