Monday 22 November 2010

Rehersals & Group Meetings

Our first meeting which held all the cast of our music viedo and rehearsals finally took place. In our meeting we managed to get a hold of all our actors (who are going to perform in the video) and we discussed the dates and the roles that are going to be taking place in the video.We made sure that every one wa notified about the coustumes we wanted the actors to wear producing that glamorous image that catches the eye of an aundience for our musiv video. The meeting was very beneficial towards the group because it improved our organisation of the dates,times and future meetings that we are looking to hold.

The meeting was also beneficial as we made sure that communication would be something that will make our music video succesfull which is why want to hold regular meetings to make sure everything is on point. In the we wasn’t organised which led to us failing to complete tasks on time.Furthermore our communication was very poor which brought a lot of confusion in our work as certain members were missing work when blogging the work we produced in day to day lessons. The meeting also allowed the girls to rehearse their dance as they need as much time possible to perfect the dance. The dance is going to be the key part of the video, this would not only make the video exciting to watdch but create the image of a succesful music video as it would appeal to our target audiences and prehaps others who we would not image to watch it!!!

Shown above are some pictures that was taken during the Group meeting and rehersals.
First Image:This image shows the Main girls and the secondary girls practising, rehersing and performing their dance that they created for the music video. The girls are still adding more to the routine so it is and progressing routine that is lookin really good so far.

Second Image:The second image of the three pictures shows the girkl discussing the steps they want to add to the dance aswell as discussin the glamorous image they want to proudce to make them look like a real life girl band. All the girls seen in the picture are the girls that will dance in the final music video.

Third Image: Finally the last image in my opinion is the most significant because this is the image where the whole cast as well as J2M discuss and make arrangements for the musiv video. Adressing such issues as costunes,meetings,rehersals etc. The group cicle is sat in a circle outlined all the different roles we have to make this music video succesful from the cast,directors and actors.

I believe everyone in the whole group has a major responsibility in order for the group to be succssful in making a great music video. If we comprimise, listen to each other and combine our ideas then we will no only fufil the role that everyone holds but create a music video that will appeal to our target audience which will just keep watching the movies continuously which will hopefully broaden the viewers we have for the final music video. I believe this will be a great success!!!!

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