Friday 17 December 2010

Deadline Day !!!!!!!!

The deadline day has been confirmed by my media teacher. He is expecting the whole class to finish the first draft of my music video by the 17th December which is on Friday. Therefore me and my group have a week left to complete the editing as we have already completed the filming of the music video ,which in my opinion was a very successful process of filming. As result we are a head of schedule as 1 week will be enough for us to complete the editing of the video, it will be hard but we will get through it which will not take long. However we have to stay focus in order to complete the first draft of the project if we go off track then it will not be a successful project so we have to stay on point. To remind us of the deadline my teacher has been putting up posters demonstrating the information we need i.e. the date and what needs to be completed.This is shown the picture above which has been a constant reminder to make sure we give our first draft in time which is ready.

Thursday 16 December 2010


The editing is going not to bad today we managed to delete most of the clips we did not need as it is not possible to keep all for a 3 minute music video so sadly we had to delete some of the unwanted footage we did not need in the music Video there was a few bits that jumped a lot but we have now sorted it out. We edited the conversation between the school girls at the start of the music video making sure that all the dialogue was on point we have now uploaded a few more scenes and our currently in progress of editing.

Wednesday 15 December 2010

Concert Filming

Yesterday was a great day as we managed to film a very important scene in our Music Video which was the "CONCERT" this is where the girls "KHANDI FLOSS "are in concert dancing to the audience on stage performing the their song "CRUSH ON YOU". We managed to film the scene in three different angles from the front and both the left and right of the stage showing the different dance moves in views of the scene. We also managed to get a lot of Good Close - ups which allowed us to see some great lip syncing in the video. So overall the filming of the concert scene was a huge success we have managed to film most of scenes which are almost finished and now we tend to do the editing and get the whole project finished fingers crossed!!!!

Monday 13 December 2010



Friday 10 December 2010

The Cast

Our plan has been done and we know now how the video will operate. As a result we’ve also found the people that will be involved in the video and in the shooting of the video. There are about 8 people who will be involved majorly in the shooting and making of the video. With those 8 people I have managed to split them up into different departments and roles that they are going to having during the coursework.Here is the pictures and roles of the different people involved in the making of the “Crush on you video:

Meghan Producer and Joao Director

So on the left is Meghan the producer & Editer that edits the vidoes we produces. who actually Icame up with the whole idea of using a girl band. She also came up with the different locations as her idea was better then mine and Joas put together. Therefore we went along with her plan to improve and add more of our own ideas and experience. On the right is Joao andwho is the director therefore he is there to position and order the actors about as he takes control of the filming.

Khandi Floss (The Girls)

This picture shows the girls that are going to be used as the band memebers of Khandi Floss. On the left is Marie and she will be known as Harmony. In the middle is Michelle the bands leader and she is the original member of the band. She is known as Honey in the group. The last member is Maureen on the right she is also new to the group and she will be covering Pharai who is a original member of the group.

Jason Music Editor

I am the main man because I covers many aspects of the J2M Production. For example I do the MUSIC editing of our music video, which is probably one of the hardest and stressful thing of our coursework. Also I help deal with the music of our video, so in other words the technical stuff is done by him. However importantly one last and big duty that he is involved in with J2M Production is that he is apart of the video as the main guy that the band leader has a crush on.

Filming Cancelled

Filming our last part of the video has been cancelled due to the weather. It has been snowing for the past 3 days which has disrupted our filming as we were planning to film in front of our school. Our main two reasons to why we won’t film with the snow are that it can ruin the camera and it wouldn’t go with our shots as there wasn’t any snow in the video. Therefore we will be keeping a good eye on the weather as we want the snow to settle so that we can film and edit the video for the deadline of 17th December.This picture demonstrates how bad the weather is in our other location:

Researching Our Target Audience

In our research for our target audience we managed to find a way to advertise and get some feedback on the types of genres and music videos that people enjoy. We are looking to advertise our questionnaires on “Facebook”, “MSN” and in school. This because we believe that those places are where we are likely to find a range of different people. The questionnaires will allow us to gain knowledge on what type of genres people prefer and what they expect in music videos. The questionnaires will contain up to 8 or 10 questions giving the audience an option for their answer in each question. We are looking to publish the questionnnaires out tommorrow so that we have enough time to collect the data.Here is some pictures indicating the places we are advertising our questionnaires:


This is an image that we created in and it is basically giving me the vital, effective and most used words in the lyrics of the song “Crush on you”. I believe that using "Worlde" to demonstrate effectiveness as it’s a different techniques to show the lyrics and popular words used in the song. Therefore people are able to spot the key words used in the lyrics.

Friday 3 December 2010

Filming !!!

Today we managed to film and add more to our music video. Today we filmed the main girl's solo verse when she talks about seeing her crush on the way to school. We knocked in a few close ups as well as some mid shot which helped to establish the main girl's feelings about the main boy in her solo verse this was done very well and i am proud to say that i was so happy with the scene that i can call it one of my favourite scenes for the music video , that was all the filming we managed to get up today so we will keep you posted about future scenes we have not done when we film them

Thursday 2 December 2010

Treatment 3

Research into Artist(s)

To research into our artist we went onto their MySpace page (a social networking site). We were able to get a feel of the type of style they were into and different types of songs that they have made. Not only this, but we were able to see the kinds of people who enjoyed listening to their music which also gave us a good idea of who are target audience will be. We have also been able to talk to the members in the group and they have been able to give us a lot of commentary regarding the group and the sort of image that they had in mind when they first made the group and the sort of message they feel the video should communicate.

Research into potential Target audience

To research our target audience we will make a survey using survey, this survey will consist of 10 questions about music videos and what the participants like to see in them. The results we acquire from this will then be analysed then out into charts that illustrate them. In doing this we will be able to find our target audience.

Treatment 2

Outline Ideas

Scene 1
• Outside the school, girls are sitting outside talking. Guys walk past main girl gets distracted (watching main guy). [song starts] [girl walk up to the camera and them break into dance routine]
• Main guy walks toward the school, girl walks behind him singing (I see you on the way to school part)
• Main guy is going into his locker; girl tries to approach him but is interrupted by the boy’s friend. Girl is upset and walks away (is time I let you know part)

Scene 2
• Rapper (one of the friends of the girl) walks down the road to school while singing the rap (same place girls do the walk)
• In the dance studio, girls are rehearsing for their show main girl is not focused; they sit on the floor next to her to comfort her.

Scene 3
• In the classroom, main girl is seated behind main guy. She starts to day dream about him.
• Central park, we see the two main people hanging out (being very loved up and romantic)
• Go back to the school scene and we see the rapper in a classroom with the students as she does her rap.
• Go back to the central London part. We see the dance routine again.

Scene 4
• We see the other girl and see flashes of the guys.
• Go back to the stage scene again (slow motion)
• We see the girls turn and walk away, we see clips of everything that has already happened in the music video so far then back to the girls again

Scene 5
• The school bell rings and then the girls are walking out of school, main guy runs up to the main girl and asked her out
• She says yes and then her walks off. Girls look at each other then laugh
• Fade out then back in again. See the girl on her bed with the lyrics of the song, she turns around and smiles.

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Treatment - 1

Name of track: CRUSH ON YOU
Name of artist: KHANDI FLOSS
Name of students in group :Meghan Adjei, Jason Adorsu, Joao Rodrigues

Initial research and target audience
To research into music videos, we watched channel 4’s 100 greatest music videos to help get an idea of how other artists have made their videos. Watching this we realised that most of the videos are from the 1960s to now, this told us that due to the rapid growth of technology music videos have changed a vast amount. One of the most modern videos was listed was Outkast – hey ya, this video in particular made excellent use of new technology as it took the image of the leader singer and multiplied it in many different ways to create an entire band.

To find our target audience we are going to create a survey on a website called survey monkey and send it to our friends on social networking sites such as Facebook and MSN asking them to go onto the link we will provide and fill out the survey. This way we will be able to ask them questions that will enable us to find our target audience.

Tuesday 30 November 2010

Classroom Scene

In this scene is where we have the classroom scene. We have a full class with a teacher however the main focus of the scene is between yes once age the main girl & boy. We have a close up on the main boy doing his work and then we have the main girl diagonally behind the main boy. At this point of the music video the main girl is staring at the main boy just dreaming about what her life would be if she was with him which is shown later on in the music video. This was also successful scene as we managed to film the scene quick including a variety of shots such as close ups,pan shots, middle shots etc. More scenes are to come so we will keep you posted!!!!

Saturday 27 November 2010

Locker Room Scene

This scene was very successful because we managed to film a great scene quick which was very efficient for our music video. In this scene the Main girl wishes to tell her crush that she likes him but is interrupted by the main boy's friend who distracts him which eventually pushes the girl away losing confidence in confessing her crush it is sad as this is one of the only times the main boy is left alone and then the main boy's friend spoils this chance but don't worry people the main girl will finally tell the main guy but you got to stay tuned for that!!!!

Friday 26 November 2010

Location : ST. JAMES PARK

We have a quite alot of locations for the music video. Here is another location that has a lot of significance to our music video .This location is a great choice as many tourists come to visit this park which lies next to one of the most prestigious buildings in the country which is Buckingham Palace . This is where the main girl's day dream comes to life, where she is in the park with the main boy just having a great time. St James Park gave the same glamorous look of the girls that Buckingham palace and the London Eye also portrayed. This was a great scenary to show the chemistry of the main boy and girl portraying the message of love in the music video. We are used the whole day to film this scene aswell as the dance scene at the London Eye which was a great success, as we got alot of good work done in the space of a few hours before returning to school.


This is the Story Board of my group where we have drawn out all the events that are to take place in our chosen music video which also outlines the different locations we choose to use. This also includes all the different shots and pictures that will be uses in our final short music video. This is an ongoing project and over time our thoughts and ideas will change but this is basically the storyboard we had when we first started.

Experience Of London Filming

Today was a stressful and memorable day because we took a day off school to go up London and film our second part of the video. The day was planned a week ago therefore we had set times to meet in order to complete the filming. For example we planned that everybody should meet in London for 9 o'clock. Once we got to London we went Buckingham Palace to ask permission to film in front of the palace as we wanted to show creativeness. However we wasn't able to get permission from the Police because they simply thought it wasn't safe for us or the royal family in terms of media and suspension. Although we didn't get permission we still went ahead with our plan and filmed at Buckingham Palace.

After spending an hour and so at Buckingham Palace filming and taking pictures when then decided to move on to a different location. Whilst walking away from Buckingham Palace one of our crew member's managed to find a park that was perfect for our next scene. St. James Park was the location we found therefore we used it as one of our romantic scene with the main boy and girl, to express their feelings for each other. Shooting at St. James Park was difficult because the acting had to be perfect as we didn't want the audience to recognize any fault in the video. Therefore it took us a couple of times to get the correct shot because the chemistry between the main girl (Michelle) and boy (Jason) had to be created exactly right. However spending an hour planning and filming did us a whole load of good because we believe it was our best filming as we managed to fit in many shots. For example tracking, mid, long, close and zooms we were used significantly to create an exciting music video.

The last part of our filming in London was on the bridge by the London Eye. Filming next to the London Eye was beautiful because its a tourist attraction that means a lot to us the British Public. Consequently we thought that it would be great to include it in our video. Though filming on the bridge was difficult because there was so many people either touring around or going work therefore we couldn't get enough time to film as they would just walk past the camera when recording. So that was very frustrating for us as we would have to wait for people to walk pass, but there were time where people walked past the film whilst recording. As result it ruined the filming, however we did manage to film a few minutes without being interrupted. In those few minutes we managed to squeeze in the dancing of the group.

On the whole again am proud of the group because we completed another stage of our task which is proving to us that we will achieve the best grade possible. :)

Location : London EYE

We have a quite alot of locations for the music video. Here is another location that has a lot of significance to our music video .This location is a great choice as many tourists come to visit this aswell as the importance it has in the country. This is where we are going to do our final dance performance and where the girls also practiced out their lip syncing and then we managed to get them lip syncing in more then one location and ths is one of theem . London Eye and the bridge also gave the same glamorous look of the girls that Buckingham palace also portrayed . We are used the whole day to film this scene which was a great success, as we got alot of good work done in the space of a few hours before returning to school.

Wednesday 24 November 2010


We have a quite alot of locations for the music video. However we have one main location which is BUCKINGHAM PALACE a very prestigous location that has a lot of significance in the country as this is where the queen lives. This is where we are going to do our final dance performance to give the glamorous look of the girls with the glamorous location behind them. We are using the whole day to film this scene so hopefully this will be a great success.

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Filming 2nd Scene

After filming the classroom scene we managed to film another scene which happens to the first scene of the entire video. This scene was reallu difficult to film because we had to race against time as it was getting dark because we wanted the viewer to spot that it was the morning time before the bell where all the kids are getting ready for school. The concept of this scene was for the main boy and his boys who are so popular as in everyboy in the school wants to be like them and everygirl wants to be with them was the image we wanted to portray. So the boys start working to the school with the swagger they have while the main girl and her girls are chilling at the school entrance. The girls have their own conversation but then they are interupted by boys when the maing girl stops talking as she has seen the main boy walking past. She then stops talking to her friends and freezes for a minute before her friends eventually wake her up. We made sure that we showed this significant bit in the scene emphasizing he CRUSH she has for the boy by doing a close up on the main girl's face when she freezes in amazement of seeing the boy she has a crush on. This scene holds a lot of importance as it is the start of our music video which catches the eyes of the viewers so the scene as a whole had a signicance in the whole entire music video!!!!

Filming 1st Scene

Today we managed to film two scenes after school which were really fun to shoot. The first scene out of the two scenes we shot today was the classroom scene. We managed to get alot of people to fill in all seats and make a believable class with a teacher aswell. We then made sure that everyone was sure of what they had to do which was to be quiet and act as if they were taking notes down that the teacher alreadt wrote down. Apart from that the only other roles appointed was given to the main boy and girl. The main boy had a close up of doing his work aswell which created the idea that he was very focused in class. The main girl sadly was doing the opposite as she was daydreaming while watching the boy wihout him knowing, to show how the serious crush she has on the main which incorprates the title CRUSH ON YOU. We used many useful techniques while shooting this film we managed to include close ups, established shots, mid shots and also a pan shot which showed different classroom members grasping the serious classroom effect we wanted to portray for our music video which worked very well. Today was our first day filming and we managed to film the scene in only just two takes which gave us enough time to get ready for the next scene which will be shown above.

Filming!!! DAY 1

Today was very good as we managed to film to seperate scenes of the music video. It was a struggle racing against time because it is winter and it gets dark early and we don't have the five star equipment a music video crew would have however we took advantage of our equipment and managed to shoot to scenes today which was fun making and was excellent to watch these scenes will be explained shortly so stay tuned!!!

CopyRight Rules

Throughout all of media, whether it be music, film or magazines, there are certain rules that need to be obeyed regarding ownership and copyright. Relative companies have been set up so as these rules are followed to prevent infringement. If this is the case then a fine will come in to action usually of a large sum of money which is not pleasant for the person being fined.
These rules regard to us as media students as much as they apply to large companies and record labels.
Which is why it is so important to have sorted out the music emailing the chosen artists so there is no confrontation which why we are told to ask unsigned artisits to feature their songs in our music videos but are not always succesfull my group suffers the prime example.
We cannot use music that is copyrighted or has media-ownership. This is why we have to find our own bands and search for music that has no copyright. Sights like, and allow us to do this.

These Websites all have great music of many genres that we can use for our final music videos.

Luckily for us, this didn't prove too challenging as there are plenty of amazing artists out there waiting for people like us to find and enjoy their music. This whole process protects us from copyright infringement and allows us to get on peacefully with what we do best, making music videos, and appealing to our chosen and targeted audiences incresing the love for music videos.


Copyright is a set of exclusive rights granted by the law of a jurisdiction to the author or creator of an original work, including the right to copy, distribute and adapt the work. Exceptions an limitations to these rights strive to balance the public interest in the wide distribution of the material produced and to encourage creativity. Exceptions include fair dealing and fair use, and such use does not require the permission of the copyright owner. All other uses require permission and copyright owners can license or permanently transfer or assign their exclusive rights to others. Copyright does not protect ideas, only their expression or fixation. In most jurisdictions, copyright arises upon fixation and does not need to be registered. Copyright protection applies for a specific period of time, after which the work is said to enter the public domain.

Pictures Of Todays R&B Stars

Here are five of Todays most succesful R&B Stars: Rihanna,Chris Brown,NeYo,Trey Songz,Usher & Ciara are all aritst that are topin the charts right now for R&B today i thought it would be a good idea to show the past and present R&B stars of Rhythum and Base formely known as R&B.

Conventions Of The Genre : R&B

Although the abbreviation “R&B” originates from traditional rhythm and blues music, today the term R&B is most often used to describe a style of African American music originating after the demise of disco in the 1980s. Some sources refer to the style as urban contemporary (the name of the radio format that plays hip hop and contemporary R&B). R&B has also been used to refer to rhythm & bass although the accuracy of this abbreviation is open to debate seeing that bass forms part of a rhythm along with the drums.
Contemporary R&B has a polished record production style, drum machine-backed rhythms, an occasional saxophone-laced beat to give a jazz feel (mostly common in contemporary R&B songs prior to the year 1993), and a smooth, lush style of vocal arrangement. Electronic influences are becoming an increasing trend, and the use of hip hop-inspired beats are typical, although the roughness and grit inherent in hip hop may be reduced and smoothed out.
Contemporary R&B vocalists are often known for their use of melisma, popularized by vocalists such as Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder,Whitney Houston & Mariah Carey.

Here is some pictures of these famous BIG R&B Artists of all time :

Change Of Plan

Due to unforeseen circumstances we had to change our filming dates. So we didn’t film on Sunday 21st November & Monday 22nd of November .However we are looking to film on Thursday 25th November. On that date we will be going up Buckingham palace Central London to film our second scene of the music video with the group. This scene is the scene of the main girl dance scene which holds significance in the video so it should be fun. We have checked the weather for Thursday and it looks to be the best day of the week in terms of the sunshine and no rain so hopefully we will get alot done in the day shooting most if the video and the entire dance seen so fingers crossed!!!

Plan B

Therefore because our first plan didn’t work we went on to find another alternative. So our “Plan B” is to use a well established school band as part of our coursework. Khandi Floss is the group that we are using and they have been together for at least 4 years creating a few tracks that has been recognized by the public. However they are a band that is still isn’t signed therefore we took our opportunity to create the bands first video. We believe that using raw talent can improve our coursework because we are creating a music video that can potential help the band with their career.The song from Khandi Floss that we are going to use is “Crush on you”. The song basically concentrates on the main band leader having a crush on a school boy. However the rest of the band members/friends try to convince her to fight her fears and tell the boy her crush. Therefore we must create a music video that tells the story of the actually song. So because the band is a school band the video will be mainly shot at school.
Also because there are 4 band members bu we are only using 3 girls to film. We are looking to use 4 boys as well To find out more about the band they are on myspace on-

Monday 22 November 2010

Emailing Our Chosen Artists via

Shown above is the emails we sent to our chosen artist from Unfortunately the artists did not get back to us in time so then we had to choose a different plan for our music Video. The information for this plan B is shown in the post above which is where my group J2M from last year are re - united. I apologise for not mentioning this earlier but the video is up and running the group has so many great ideas they are willing to show in the final music video which has been shown in the group meetings and rehersals we had not to long back. The new idea we have is more simple and effective.

Our Original Song Choice

Here is a photo of our song choices from
We have started the coursework for quite some time. However it has been very difficult for our group to find a piece of music to use, this is because we went for a specific genre. Therefore we didn’t have much to choose from as we were only concentrating on that particular genre.

The website that we used to search our music was as it was the most popular and used website in our school. Therefore the recommendation was high for us as the majority of RnB songs came from there. So we actually used the website and found 2 potential songs that we wanted to use for our coursework. Both of the songs belonged to the RnB genre and they were both different as one had a fast pace, whereas the other one was much slower. The first song that we were happy to use was called “Photo Shoot” from Cincere, and the song was basically focusing on a woman of his life that he would like to take and use as a photo shoot. Consequently the song tended to have a lot of sing focusing on the woman with a verse of another artist rapping. Our second and back up song was called “Apologise” from Solo Soul. The song was slower and it focused on forgiveness from a woman therefore the majority of the song was based on sing.

Rehersals & Group Meetings

Our first meeting which held all the cast of our music viedo and rehearsals finally took place. In our meeting we managed to get a hold of all our actors (who are going to perform in the video) and we discussed the dates and the roles that are going to be taking place in the video.We made sure that every one wa notified about the coustumes we wanted the actors to wear producing that glamorous image that catches the eye of an aundience for our musiv video. The meeting was very beneficial towards the group because it improved our organisation of the dates,times and future meetings that we are looking to hold.

The meeting was also beneficial as we made sure that communication would be something that will make our music video succesfull which is why want to hold regular meetings to make sure everything is on point. In the we wasn’t organised which led to us failing to complete tasks on time.Furthermore our communication was very poor which brought a lot of confusion in our work as certain members were missing work when blogging the work we produced in day to day lessons. The meeting also allowed the girls to rehearse their dance as they need as much time possible to perfect the dance. The dance is going to be the key part of the video, this would not only make the video exciting to watdch but create the image of a succesful music video as it would appeal to our target audiences and prehaps others who we would not image to watch it!!!

Shown above are some pictures that was taken during the Group meeting and rehersals.
First Image:This image shows the Main girls and the secondary girls practising, rehersing and performing their dance that they created for the music video. The girls are still adding more to the routine so it is and progressing routine that is lookin really good so far.

Second Image:The second image of the three pictures shows the girkl discussing the steps they want to add to the dance aswell as discussin the glamorous image they want to proudce to make them look like a real life girl band. All the girls seen in the picture are the girls that will dance in the final music video.

Third Image: Finally the last image in my opinion is the most significant because this is the image where the whole cast as well as J2M discuss and make arrangements for the musiv video. Adressing such issues as costunes,meetings,rehersals etc. The group cicle is sat in a circle outlined all the different roles we have to make this music video succesful from the cast,directors and actors.

I believe everyone in the whole group has a major responsibility in order for the group to be succssful in making a great music video. If we comprimise, listen to each other and combine our ideas then we will no only fufil the role that everyone holds but create a music video that will appeal to our target audience which will just keep watching the movies continuously which will hopefully broaden the viewers we have for the final music video. I believe this will be a great success!!!!

Timetable Changes

Due to an last minute set backs we had to change the filming on sunday to thursday which will take place throughout the whole day. However the filming on monday will still commence!!!

Saturday 20 November 2010

Channel 4 Top 50 Greatest Videos

1. Michael Jackson: Thriller
2. Peter Gabriel: Sledgehammer
3. A-ha: Take on Me
4. Queen: Bohemian Rhapsody
5. Madonna: Like a Prayer
6. Robbie Williams: Rock DJ
7. Michael Jackson: Billie Jean
8. The Verve: Bittersweet Symphony
9. Madonna: Vogue
10. Nirvana: Smells Like Teen Spirit
11. Coldplay: The Scientist
12. Michael & Janet Jackson: Scream
13. Pink Floyd: Another Brick in the Wall
14. Christina Aguilera: Dirty
15. REM: Everybody Hurts
16. OutKast: Hey Ya
17. Blur: Coffee & TV
18. Beyonce: Crazy in Love
19. Madonna: Material Girl
20. Gorillaz: Clint Eastwood
21. Queen: I Want to Break Free
22. Justin Timberlake: Cry Me a River
23. Britney Spears: ...Baby One More Time
24. Radiohead: No Surprises
25. Madness: Baggy Trousers
26. TLC: Waterfalls
27. David Bowie: Ashes to Ashes
28. Foo Fighters: Learn to Fly
29. Electric Six: Gay Bar
30. Weezer: Buddy Holly
31. Eminem: Stan
32. Chris Isaak: Wicked Game
33. U2: The Sweetest Thing
34. The White Stripes: Fell in Love with a Girl
35. Sinead O'Connor: Nothing Compares 2U
36. Red Hot Chili Peppers: Give It Away
37. Guns N Roses: November Rain
38. Fatboy Slim: Weapon of Choice
39. Pulp: Common People
40. Missy Elliot: Get Ur Freak On
41. The Spice Girls: Wannabe
42. Bjork: It's Oh So Quiet
43. Dire Straits: Money for Nothing
44. Kylie Minogue: Can't Get You Out of My Head
45. Aerosmith: Crazy
46. Adam & the Ants: Prince Charming
47. The Prodigy: Firestarter
48. Johnny Cash: Hurt
49. Jamiroquai: Virtual Insanity
50. Paul Simon: You Can Call Me Al

Channel 4 Top 100 Greatest Music Video

1. Michael Jackson: Thriller
2. Peter Gabriel: Sledgehammer
3. A-ha: Take on Me
4. Queen: Bohemian Rhapsody
5. Madonna: Like a Prayer
6. Robbie Williams: Rock DJ
7. Michael Jackson: Billie Jean
8. The Verve: Bittersweet Symphony
9. Madonna: Vogue
10. Nirvana: Smells Like Teen Spirit
11. Coldplay: The Scientist
12. Michael & Janet Jackson: Scream
13. Pink Floyd: Another Brick in the Wall
14. Christina Aguilera: Dirrty
15. REM: Everybody Hurts
16. OutKast: Hey Ya
17. Blur: Coffee & TV
18. Beyonce: Crazy in Love
19. Madonna: Material Girl
20. Gorillaz: Clint Eastwood
21. Queen: I Want to Break Free
22. Justin Timberlake: Cry Me a River
23. Britney Spears: ...Baby One More Time
24. Radiohead: No Surprises
25. Madness: Baggy Trousers
26. TLC: Waterfalls
27. David Bowie: Ashes to Ashes
28. Foo Fighters: Learn to Fly
29. Electric Six: Gay Bar
30. Weezer: Buddy Holly
31. Eminem: Stan
32. Chris Isaak: Wicked Game
33. U2: The Sweetest Thing
34. The White Stripes: Fell in Love with a Girl
35. Sinead O'Connor: Nothing Compares 2U
36. Red Hot Chili Peppers: Give It Away
37. Guns N Roses: November Rain
38. Fatboy Slim: Weapon of Choice
39. Pulp: Common People
40. Missy Elliot: Get Ur Freak On
41. The Spice Girls: Wannabe
42. Bjork: It's Oh So Quiet
43. Dire Straits: Money for Nothing
44. Kylie Minogue: Can't Get You Out of My Head
45. Aerosmith: Crazy
46. Adam & the Ants: Prince Charming
47. The Prodigy: Firestarter
48. Johnny Cash: Hurt
49. Jamiroquai: Virtual Insanity
50. Paul Simon: You Can Call Me Al
51. Run DMC & Aerosmith: Walk This Way
52. Massive Attack: Teardrop
53. Wham: Club Tropicana
54. Daft Punk: Around the World
55. Fatboy Slim: Praise You
56. Eminem: Without Me
57. Meatloaf: I'd Do Anything for Love (But I Won't Do That)
58. The Cure: Close to Me
59. Abba: Knowing Me, Knowing You
60. Eurythmics: Sweet Dreams
61. The Prodigy: Smack My Bitch Up
62. Blur: Parklife
63. George Michael: Outside
64. Bjork: Human Behaviour
65. Aphex Twin: Windowlicker
66. Bob Dylan: Subterranean Homesick Blues
67. The Beastie Boys: Sabotage
68. Madonna: Ray of Light
69. Frankie Goes to Hollywood: Two Tribes
70. The Police: Every Breath You Take
71. Bjork: All Is Full of Love
72. Robert Palmer: Addicted to Love
73. Basement Jaxx: Where's Your Head At?
74. Wu-Tang Clan: Gravel Pit
75. Duran Duran: Rio
76. The Beatles: Strawberry Fields
77. MC Hammer: U Can't Touch This
78. Godley and Creme: Cry
79. New Order: True Faith
80. Radiohead: Just
81. Ultravox: Vienna
82. 50 Cent: In Da Club
83. Shakespear's Sister: Stay
84. The Boomtown Rats: I Don't Like Mondays
85. Sid Vicious: My Way
86. The Streets: Fit But You Know It
87. Talking Heads: Once in a Lifetime
88. Elton John: I Want Love
89. Smashing Pumpkins: Tonight Tonight
90. The Pet Shop Boys: Go West
91. The Specials: Ghost Town
92. Herbie Hancock: Rockit
93. The Rolling Stones: We Love You
94. Bonnie Tyler: Total Eclipse of the Heart
95. The Cardigans: My Favourite Game
96. So Solid Crew: 21 Seconds
97. Cornershop: Brimful of Asha
98. Bronski Beat: Smalltown Boy
99. Supergrass: Pumping on Your Stereo
100.Musical Youth: Pass the Dutchie

Khandi Floss - Crush on you lyrics

Boy i'ave got a crush on you, wonder if you only, only knew
Boy i'ave got a crush on you, wonder if you only, only knew


Boy, you know i got a crush on you
Don't know what am going through
Baby if you only knew, if you only knew
Coz boy, you know i got a crush on you
Don't know what am going through
Baby if you only knew, if only knew.

Verse One

i see you on my way to school
it's a shame da you not notice me
baby you should be my boy
we could be together, we should be together
it's time i let you know exactly how i feel, how i feel about you 2x
it's time i let you know exactly how i feel, how i feel about you, are you feeling me too

Rap 1

easy boy n am feeling you
smells so good like sweet perfume
but it's ok, cuz am needing you
times like this when am wanting you
but hold on, am dream about you
constantly always thing about you
wondering if am wanting you, now you know that am onto you



Rap 2
now you knw that am going through
times still hard, still missing you

Weather Forecast

I managed to create a screen grab of the weather forecast for the next few days that we are filming which tells us the right time to film and to withdraw filming. This is very use full because if we was to film on day that the weather is bad no only will our music video be not as good of quality if the weather was good but our filming equipment e.g tripod,camera etc. Costumes will be damaged so by avoiding this we made sure that we will do a research in the weather to give us the best filming conditions possible.

Here is the screen grab I produced telling us about the weather to come on our chosen filming and meeting days:

Friday 19 November 2010

Similar Band

As well as finding a similar video we also managed to find a similar band. There was a lot of talent to choose from which was similar to our band "KHANDI FLOSS", however we chose Destiny's Child is our compared artist. We believe that Destiny's Child is similar to our band because they are in the same genre with the same amount of memebers. Also the style/swagger and genre of music are all characteristics that Destiny's Child use in the same style that Khandi Floss are trying to remix and expand with. Furthermore Destiny's Child have 1 main leader so it relates to Khandi Floss because they also have 1 main leader who does most of the sing in their songs. The main leader will be shown in our music video so stay tuned for that!!!

HERE IS THE LINK FOR Destiny's Child background info (from;

Destiny's Child (also known as DC or DC3) was an American R&B girl group comprising lead singer Beyoncé Knowles alongside Kelly Rowland and Michelle Williams. Formed in 1997 in Houston, Texas, Destiny's Child members began their musical endeavors in their pre-teens under the name Girls' Tyme, comprising Knowles, Rowland, LaTavia Roberson and LeToya Luckett. After years of performing underground, they signed to Columbia Records and changed their name. Destiny's Child was launched into mainstream recognition following the release of their best-selling second album, The Writing's on the Wall, which contained the number-one singles "Bills, Bills, Bills" and "Say My Name".

Despite critical and commercial success, the group was plagued by internal conflict and legal turmoil, as Roberson and Luckett attempted to split off the group's manager Mathew Knowles. They were soon replaced with Williams and Farrah Franklin; however, in 2000, Franklin also parted with the group, leaving them as a trio. Their third album, Survivor, which contains themes the public interpreted as a channel to the group's experience, contains the worldwide hits "Independent Women", "Survivor" and "Bootylicious". In 2002, Destiny's Child announced a hiatus, allowing its members to attain individual success. They re-united with 2004's Destiny Fulfilled, and a year later during their world tour, announced that the group would disband and its members would pursue solo careers.

Throughout their career, the group released four studio albums and achieved four US number-one singles. They had sold over 40 million records worldwide as a group, 50 million including their solo album sales before their disbandment, becoming one of the best-selling recording artists in the U.S Billboard magazine ranks the group as one of the greatest musical trios of all time, and inducted the group in 2008 into the All time Hot 100 Artist at 68th place. In 2005, the World Music Awards recognized them as the World's Best-selling female group of all time. They were ranked the 9th Artist of the 2000–10 decade by Billboard.


We have managed to work out a timetable where we can see what time and when we will be needed to film the music video. This had to be done because we all needed to know when we are all available individually as well as a group. For our music video to be a success we need to compromise and be free to devote full time on the music video for it to be a great success.

Here's the dates that the group are looking to use to film:

Sunday 21st November (from 9.00 am to 18.00 pm)- Buckingham Palace filming our second scene of our video.

Monday 22nd November (from 15.00pm to 18.00 pm)- Robert Clack School filming our first scene of the video.

Similar Video

We finally found out what music we are going to use as well as the genre we have chosen for our final music video, We was able to find a video that is similar to our video. Instead of choosing a celebrity are chosen video is from ex students of the school. Houda,Ardit & Eustacia achieved a great grade for this video which is why we are comparing it to our video which gives us ideas to make a successfully video

Background Info
They were last year’s group and their music was from the RnB genre. The song was called “Only You” from Keshia Angeline who was an unsigned artist on Their music video was at last at an A grade standard because of the editing, acting, ideas used and the setting of the video.

We believe that the video is similar to our idea because
• It has 3 different locations
• 1 location is the same as ours
• 2 main people in the video is the female and male

So firstly with the 3 different locations is great idea that we are looking to use because we believe that we are being more adventurous with our coursework. Therefore that allows us to create a good piece of coursework because it shows that we have taken our plans very serious and that we are creative with the music video.

Second idea we are looking to use is as going up London to film parts of our music video. This then shows that we are also using the same location as their video. We believe by using that particular location gives us certain advantage this is because the mise en scene is attractive and we will be able to find many different shots with the place. Therefore that gives us the chance to get awarded with more marks as we have learned our lesson from our previous coursework, since we kept our filming in one place.

Lastly we are looking to use the same idea of 2 main people with a male and female because the song is about love therefore it’s only between two people. However we have kept it the same because it’s the female sing to the male.

J2M Animatic

J2M Dance Rehersal

Here is a Rehersal performance of the girls first learning the steps and then coming together and making a final performance. In their first rehersal the girls managed to learn all the step and constructive criticism that was give in to them so i hope you enjoy!!

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Health & Safety Risk Assessment

1) No filming in inappropriate locations.

2) Check safety of locations e.g. roads.

3) Minimise risk of theft of equipment.

4) When filming on location ensure teacher or responsible adult know where you are and have telephone number and when you will return.

5) Check all equipment is working before you leave.

6) Ensure you have permission for filming if necessary.

7) Always film with at least one other person.

8) Ensure you have the permission of those you are filming.

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Lip Synching Analysis - Using Final Cut Express

We used final cut express to edit my lip-sync video, at first it was very simple to use as the programme does not completely delete a clip after t has been used so that meaning that we do not need to copy and paste it over and over again. I was able to acquire many skills for when I am doing my actual editing. I had to put clips in an order that will show different shots but also make sure that my lips lined up with the music. Trying to get my lips moving at the same time as the song was very difficult as my video didn’t start at the same time as the song I had to keep cutting and adding parts to the song to make sure that they went at the same time. This has taught me how to get it perfect, by starting the video when the music starts.

Finding music ... Unisigned .com

I thought that finding good music that isn't copyrighted would be difficult, scavenging around the internet for any hints of a track or going through random websites with a fine tooth-comb to look for that one random song that isn't copyrighted. BUT, as it turns out, its REALLY easy!

I signed up on and there is a whole database of unsigned bands and solo artistjust waiting for me to make a video with one of their songs. You can search by genre, song name, artist name and loads more without even needing an account! I was really shocked, and thought this would be really usefull when finding music for my A2music video.

I've immediately clicked on the R&B genre where i have found a lot of great artist that can suit my idea of a music video.

Final Cut Express

Final cut express is a non - linear video editing application created by Apple Inc.It is the consumer version of Final Cut Pro and is designed for advanced editing of digital video as well as high- definition video, which is used by many amateur and professional videographers. Final Cut Express is considered a "step" above IMovie in terms of capabilities, but a "step" underneath Final Cut Pro and its suite of applications.

Features the program does include are:

  • The ability Keyframe filters.
  • Dynamic RT, which changes real time settings on - the - fly.
  • Motion path keyframing.
  • Ripple,roll,slip, and blade edits.
  • Picture in picture and split - screen effects.
  • Up to 99 Video tracks and 12 compositing tracks.
  • Up to 99 audio tracks.
  • Motion project import.
  • Two - way color correction.
  • Chroma Key

Friday 22 October 2010

Preliminary Exercise

This is the preliminary task that we did. We did a lip syncing exercise where one of our group members took part and demonstrated this exercise. The song I WON'T FORGET YOU was the song that was involved in the preliminary Exercise.

Wednesday 20 October 2010

Music Video Research

SO SOLID CREW - 21 SECONDS (2001) - This video was very creative because everyone that featured in the video had 21 seconds to introduce themselves.
50 CENT - IN DA CLUB(2003)

Thursday 30 September 2010

How we might measure the success criteria of a music promo video?

  • Word of Mouth.
  • Number of hits on YOUTUBE.
  • Newspaper articles and TV Reports.
  • How many times the music video is shown on television.
  • Amount of publicity.
  • Downloads whether legal or illegal.
  • Chart shows.
  • CD Sales.
  • Last Word
  • Finally it is worth nothing how there has been a massive switch in the importance of YOUTUBE from television channels such as MTV which can appeal to many other different audieces as there are different types of MTV channels such as DANCE , BASE , ROCK etc.


  • Promotes the artist, single and album.
  • Persuades audience to buy - CD download.
  • Raises the audience awarness or profile of the artist / group.
  • To make and artist statement e.g Talking Heads '' Once In A Lifetime''.

What is the purpose of a music video?

  • Advertisememts
  • Draws attention to the music/ song.
  • Illustrates a song.
  • Appeals to a visual audience.
  • Expresses and individuals emotions.
  • Tells a story.
  • Markets an Image.


  • This video promotes lada gaga's lipstick product.
  • Virgin managed to get a advertisement in the video.( This is shown when lady gaga recieves a text from beyonce) showig the virgin logo.
  • Commercial package to sell the audience these products shown in the music video for the audience / viewers to then go and purchase the products.
  • Direct reference to the KILL BILL movie. This reference is shown due to the car and the dialogue in the music video.
  • There is also a POLOROID advertisement aswell.
  • Postmodern references are shown in the music video as the video borrows different types of media and techniques which shows a use of cross media convergence.

Sinead O' Connor - Nothing Compares To You

This video is very effective because Sinead O' Connor shows her true emotions relating to her life in the music video, she could of chosen to keep her emotions inside but let loose in the one take of her music video which makes the true, convincing and unique. In the modern day this would not usually be shown unless if the characters in the music video were actor which proves the point of the real emotion that is show in the music video.

Here is the Music Video:

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Music Video Research

For music research purposes we watched and looked into the history of music video. To do this we looked at channel 4's 50 greatest video's of all time here is a bit of information from the research that we found from the first six videos.

50 - GODLEY AND CREME(1985) - CRY (This group made over 100 music videos together before later spliting up. They were music video producers after bein recording artists. Technology was very advanced at this time became of a good quality).
49 - FRANKIE GOES TO HOLYWOOD - TWO TRIBES(1984) - This was a very contreversal video.
42- ROBERT PALMER - ADDICTED TO LOVE (1986) ( In this video woman were said to be objectified).
38- BJORK - IT'S OH SO QUIET(1995)
33- OUTKAST - HEY YA! (2003)
30 - JOHNNY CASH - HURT(2003)

Friday 17 September 2010

Music Video Analysis : Usher - DJ Got Us Fallin' in Love

In today's Lesson we did a music analysis on any video of our choice that we can talk about. I chose Usher Raymond's new video DJ Got Us Fallin' In Love, featuring Pitball We analysed the video by splinting the video in three sections which was Mise en Scene, Cinematography and finally Background Research .

Background Research
First of all let me tell you a little information about Usher Raymond, Usher is a manufactured artist going under the genre of POP / R&B reaching out to wide range fan base that many different audience can relate to. "DJ Got Us fallin' in love" was released on 13th july 2010 and sent on radio July 2oth. The video was written by Usher Raymond, Armando Perez, Max Martin, Savan Kotecha and Shellback. The video in my opinion has a great club vibe that young audience's can relate to with a memorable chorus.

There are a lot of close ups of usher in the video to show his style and his way of doing things in a club. There are also a lot of close ups on pretty woman in the video to show appeal to a male audience. The close ups also show that a lot of people know usher the star in the video. There are also long shots which establishes the power of the male as the other ladies are closer as if to say the male has a lot of power behind the women. Usher is always shown in the centre of the frame to show he is the star of the show. Lastly Usher is continuously shown with flashing lights and bright lights to show he is a good person and once again the star of the show.

There are a lot of different colours shown in the video such as pink blue and yellow giving the atmosphere a fruity effect the influences the club experience. There are also a lot of silouhette effects which are very effective in the video. The costume has a sexy street modern costume which relates to the modern day. Usher is very literal as he actually dances to what he sings in the song and lastly the men and and women are seen as equal in the video.


Friday 10 September 2010

Welcome to my media studies coursework at A2

Welcome to my media studies coursework at at A2 , Today I started my A2 coursework where i began my search for the music video that I am going to create. In the lesson i formed a group with one other person and we started our search for our music video. We was told not to use copyright music for our coursework so then we then went to where there is a lot of great music that we can choose from which is made by unsigned artist so in this way the website is very helpful.